
Turn your cell phones off. Taking calls in the middle of a date is just plain rude.

Conversation is crucial. You are going to a Speed dating event with the intention of meeting some nice daters and you should be prepared to talk with (emphasis on ‘with’) people.

Remain independent. Try to keep to the subject (you) and avoid talking about your job, kids or your ex (no no!) instead, think of some of your strengths and practice how you are going to present these to anyone who asks – you’ll appear more confident and a lot more interesting if you can give your suitor a better insight into the type of person you are rather than the job you do.

Sobriety. Be careful how much alcohol you consumer before and during the event as there is no greater turn off (and big warning sign) than someone who is already drunk BEFORE they have even gone on a date!

Take a chance. Consider saying YES to at least one person at the event that you would normally rejected.Try to OPEN THE DOOR to someone younger or older, different occupation, etc.

Personal space. We all have our personal space and when someone charges in, it can throw us off balance and you might want to consider this during the event. You are already seated very close to a stranger and even though there is a table between you, personal space still matters. Keep your legs under your chair and avoid playing footsie until your next date. Do not touch the hands of your suitor unless invited (watch their body language!) a firm handshake (not a vice-like grip) at the end of your meeting will help show your appreciation of your meeting.

Mingle at the breaks. DATING AND FINDING YOUR MATCH IN LIFE IS A NUMBERS GAME!!! The strategy of the 6-minute formal date is just a point of introduction. Make the most of it!

Body language. As it’s highly likely you are going to be sat behind a table during the main event , concentrate on getting your body language right and start thinking from the waist up as only the upper part of your body is going to be visible and for a limited time frame. Lean in towards your date to indicate you are interested in what is being said and maintain good eye contact while listening. Never cross your arms unless you really want to put off your suitor. Sit upright - as well as helping you concentrate on what is being said and projecting a clearer voice, you’ll appear more attractive and your cleavage/chest will be lifted substantially!

Friends. If you come to the event with a friend or friends, sit apart from them.

Keep notes &Follow up! In the midst of all the action, remember to keep notes about the person who you have just met. When the event is in full swing, it’s easy to forget the write a name, number and comment down.

There you go, a few chosen pointers to ‘keep you on your toes’ during your Speed dating experience! Remember to relax by taking slow deep breaths and you’ll come across as cool as a cucumber with a fleet of admirers in no time.

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