How it works


Register for the next Speed Dating event by filling out the form provided on this web page.

Our Speed Dating events rely on equal numbers of men and women to pair for each round of dates. Out of consideration for the other participants, please make every effort to attend and be on time.


Women stay at the same table all evening, while the male participants progress around the room to a different table meeting a new "date” every 6-8 minutes. At the sound of the "DING," each date ends and everyone marks their score sheet as to whether or not they'd like to follow up with that particular person again. After the first half of those participating have met there will be a 20- 25 minute intermission where you can refill on cocktails, get food and mingle with other singles that might have caught your eye. At the end of the evening, everyone turns in their sheet.
In addition to those you meet one-on-one in your rotations, you'll have the opportunity to meet and mingle with the other participants before the event and after the event.


We will follow up with you within 48 hours by email (or phone if you do not have email) to notify you of your matches.

Food and drinks are available for purchase through the venue and are at the participant's personal expense